
We want our farm to be a place for all to experience and enjoy. When the store is open, we welcome you to come and enjoy the rest of the farm. Just check with us in the store to see what is available that particular day.

Hiking and walking

There is always somewhere to take a nature walk around the farm. The orchard is beautiful all season, and we welcome you to walk through it whether you are there to pick anything or not. We have several other trails which we open when possible. We bring the cattle through many of these same spaces, and though the cattle are very unlikely to cause trouble for walkers, it is best if they stay on the opposite sides of the fences. Remember - don't open gates or go through fences without checking with us first.

Meet the animals

The most popular with the kids are the chickens. The laying hens are always happy to receive some grass or imperfect produce and provide hours of fun for smaller children to watch. And who doesn't love baby chicks? We bring in day-old chicks several times per summer and they are always fun to visit. The cattle and honeybees aren't always available - one doesn't want to get too close to the bees, and the cattle follow the grass so they aren't always near the farmstead. But we do special tours to visit all the animals through the season.


We have several picnic tables set up around the farm that we are happy for you to use. We also usually keep a few tables set up in our big hayloft space. Pick up some of your food from us, but you can certainly bring other picnic foods with you.



We are always happy to take a few minutes to show you around the different parts of the farm, and tell you about all the animals that we raise and the plants that we grow. Just ask and we will tell you all about the farm. If you'd like a more in-depth tour, contact us ahead of time and we can put together a planned tour or educational session with you.


Farms are great for kids. In addition to everything mentioned above, kids always find more fun things to do. We absolutely want kids to have a good time around the farm. But as we are a working farm not everything is child-proofed, and there are some sharp edges on buildings, fences and equipment. So parents, please do encourage your kids to play, but don't let them go off unattended.

Dogs at the farm

The farm staff sometimes has their dogs at the farm. These dogs are gentle and friendly, and may wander up to greet you. You can bring calmer dogs with you to the farm, but we ask you to:

  • Keep your dogs on leash
  • Pick up after them as you would in the city
  • Don't let them scare our animals. City dogs unfamiliar with livestock sometimes react very strongly to our chickens or cattle.